ЕСКО България
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What is ESCO

Energy Service Company is a company, providing energy services, focused on innovation, efficient use of resources and ecology. Increasing energy efficiency, i.e. decrease of energy consumption can significantly reduce the cost for maintenance of public buildings, manufacturing enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises or the functioning of entire cities and municipalities. However, to be able to save resources, you must first invest them. ESCO formula is the ideal solution for the lack of resources and experience in the field.

Ефективни енергийни решения

ESCO Bulgaria offers a new perspective for the efficient use of electricity in production, service and public sectors. Our mission is to create value and sustainable development through efficient use of electricity. We provide our customers with complete energy solutions – energy needs analysis, optimal solution, financing (if necessary), implementation and putting into operation. This way, we guarantee both an immediate reduction in electricity costs and sustainably positive results for our customers

What we do

Ефективни енергийни решения
Ефективни енергийни решения
Ефективни енергийни решения
Ефективни енергийни решения

How we work

Scope of activities definition
The first step of cooperation with a company or public sector is analyzing current situation – existing problems and opportunities. On this base we prepare an individual offer with specific solution, including technical and financial parameters of the project

Financing Increasing energy efficiency, respectively reduction of electricity consumption, results in a significant cost decrease for buildings` maintenance, production, or functioning of the city/ municipality. Local authorities and company management are often confronted with the fact that in order to realize saving, one must first invest in energy efficient measures. ESCO Bulgaria approach (energy-efficient measures implementation combined with financing) is the ideal solution in case of lack of financial resources. ESCO Bulgaria manages its own fund for financing projects in the field of energy efficiency, providing a long-term repayment of the investment in energy-efficient measures

Solution implementation
ESCO Bulgaria takes the responsibility for managing and administration of the project – obtaining the necessary permits, delivering equipment, performing construction and repair works, respectively, carries the technological, organizational and financial risk durring implementation of the project.

Post-implementation phase

  • Reduced energy, consumed by the electricity distribution network
  • Reduced operational maintenance costs as a result of new equipment installed

Who can benefit

The benefits can be obtained by almost all businesses that aim to reduce their consumption on utility services, including electricity, energy for heating or fuel. However, the optimization opportunities for larger electricity consumers are significant and may affect the overall performance of the company by improving its competitiveness and increasing its profit.

ESCO Bulgaria offers an ideal solution also for organizations that need to implement energy-efficient measures and prefer external financing.

The wide range of services and products we offer allows us to adapt to the needs of each particular customer. The goal is to achieve the highest possible savings without the pressure of necessary investment by the client.

Why choose ESCO Bulgaria

Due to offering complete solutions, the various models for providing energy and energy efficient services are lately widely popular around the world. The aim is not only to offer a standard commodity, such as electricity, but also the whole package of services that allow efficient and comfortable use of energy.

We offer complete project management and administration, i.е. assessment, design, construction and putting into operation of energy and energy efficient projects

We have our own fund for financing projects in the field of energy efficiency, enabling long-term repayment of the investment for the energy-efficient measures.

We offer an investment payback scheme whereby our customers reduce their costs as soon as the energy efficiency measure is implemented.

We rely on experience and knowledge, gained from the numerous projects, implemented in the country and abroad by CEZ Group companies.

We are a team of professionals, work with reliable partners and use materials with proven quality.

We offer analysis and preparation of tailor-made solution in the field of: lighting (building, street, park or industrial); heating, ventilation and air conditioning; cogeneration and waste heat recovery systems; industrial systems such as electric motors, inverters, compressor stations, pumping stations, etc.; construction and operation of RES plants

We use an innovative holistic approach with clearly measurable benefits and lasting results of our clients’ service.

Let`s discuss your needs and opportunities for optimization

Get in contact with us – send us a message.

The personal data provided in the contact form will be processed to comply with the legal provisions, related to the exercise of your rights under Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 and will be used to verify your identity and consider your request. Your data will be stored in the information systems for the period of consideration of the claim and for up to 5 years from the submission of your application in order to provide relevant evidence in the event of possible legal or administrative proceedings. Your personal data will be available to the interested companies that process your request, to the company ESCO Bulgaria EOOD that processes your request, to the company Electrohold ICT EAD, which is an information systems operator, as well as for the company Electrohold Bulgaria EOOD, to which Data Protection Officer is assigned.